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Fireye E300 Flame Monitor

SKU: 833b249e2c90 Category:



The Fireye® E110 FLAME-MONITORTM System is a microprocessor based burner management control system designed to provide the proper burner sequencing, ignition and flame monitoring pro- tection on automatically ignited oil, gas, and combination fuel burners. In conjunction with limit and operating controls, it programs the burner/blower motor, ignition and fuel valves to provide for proper and safe burner operation. The control also provides current operating status and lockout information in the event of a safety shutdown. The manner in which this information is displayed is dependent on the type of programmer (EP or EPD) and display module (ED510 or ED500).* Refer to Flame-Monitor PROGRAMMER SELECTION later in this document for the various combina- tions of programmer and display modules.

The E110 consists of the EB700 chassis, dust cover, and shortened mounting screw (P/N 48-1836). The display module (ED510), if required, must be ordered separately. Interchangeable programmer and flame amplifier modules allow for complete versatility in selection of control function, timing, and flame scanning means. Functions such as pre-purge, recycling interlocks, high fire proving inter- lock, and trial for ignition timing of the pilot and main flame are determined by the programmer module. The E110 Flame-Monitor can be used with ultra-violet, auto-check infrared, flame rod, or self-check ultraviolet flame scanners by choosing the proper amplifier module.

The eighteen (18) terminal wiring base allows for many functional circuits including motors, valves, and ignition transformers as well as multiple interlocks such as high purge, low purge, fuel valve and running interlock circuits. The E110 uses the same wiring base as the Fireye E100 Flame-Monitor control, D Series and C Series Controls and is directly interchangeable with most models without rewiring.

Additional functions of the Flame-Monitor system include:

  • A non-volatile memory which allows the control to remember its history and present position even when power is interrupted.
  • A constant flame signal read-out via display module or 0-10 VDC output (EPD programmers only).
  • Read-out of main fuel operational hours and complete cycles via display module.
  • Modbus communications via RS485 multi-drop link.
  • Dipswitches located on the EP programmer to allow selectable purge time.
  • A run/check switch which allows the operator to stop the program sequence in any of three dif- ferent positions (Purge, PTFI, or Auto).
  • Remote Display Capability.
  • Annunciate 16 additional interlocks using E300 Expansion Module.
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